


Tuesday, June 6, 2017

Jill Ball - speaking up for older people in Powys

June 06, 2017

After 4 years working in PAVO’s Powys Befrienders’ team, Jill Ball recently started a new role at Age Cymru Powys as an Independent Advocate. Age Cymru Powys is the largest voluntary sector organisation providing support to people over 60 in Powys, Mid Wales, covering the old shire counties of Montgomeryshire, Radnorshire and Brecknockshire.

The organisation works to sustain and improve the quality of life of vulnerable older people in Powys. It believes that older people should be respected and valued as individuals in terms of their dignity, status, personal autonomy, diversity of needs, aspirations and expectations.

I caught up with Jill at her base in Newtown to find out more.

Tell us about your new role with Age Cymru Powys

My role as an advocate is to take action to help people say what they want to say, secure their rights, represent their interests and obtain the services they need. I meet with people daily and listen to the issues that are of concern to them, provide them with information, and discuss with them the options that are available to them. If required I assist them with contacting third parties and written correspondence. As an independent advocate my role is impartial and non-directive. 

What is joyful about the role is that in supporting others to access the services they may need, or by them resolving an issue that has been of great concern to them, they then can continue to enjoy happy and fulfilling lives.

Which areas of Powys do you cover?

My base is at the Age Cymru Powys Centre, Parkers Lane in Newtown. The area I cover is the North of Powys and my colleague Louise Hicks covers the South of the county. I have an advocacy drop-in session every Tuesday 9 - 12.30 at our 
Newtown Centre. If required I visit clients at home or in a care home, wherever they reside.

How is the new job going so far?

I am enjoying it tremendously; the work is varied and interesting, people consult the advocacy service for many different reasons. They may wish to investigate what other accommodation is available to them now that their own needs have changed, which may be due to bereavement or an escalation of care needs. A client may be unhappy about the care they are in receipt of, and need assistance with knowing who to contact and may need assistance with getting their voice heard. I support clients when there may be conflict in their family, to reinforce their wishes.

Who can be referred to the Age Cymru Powys service and how?

The service is free, independent and confidential and is for people over the age of 60 living in Powys. People can self refer into the service or can be referred into the service by a third party, with their consent. 

North/Mid Powys telephone 01686 623707, email : 
South/Mid Powys telephone 01597 825908, email : 

If people have been living alone and isolated for a long time what kind of support might they need?

Someone who can listen to what their needs are, and then to provide them with up to date and accurate information on what is available to them. They are then able to make informed choices whether that be in relation to their health, care, finances or social needs. If they need support to access a service, whatever that may be, Age Cymru Powys is able to guide them through this process.

How can the kind of support Age Cymru Powys offers impact on people’s physical and emotional wellbeing?

People are less anxious and more confident because they have the support and knowledge to face whatever problem they may be experiencing. The service is accessible. People say they enjoy the face to face contact and build up a good rapport with staff members. 

Age Cymru Powys also offers a toenail cutting service throughout the county which is a much needed and well supported service. 

The information and advice service provides benefits' information and assistance in completing forms and with financial security comes peace of mind. Age Cymru provides an extensive range of literature on all subjects relating to older people, from adaptations to their home, to power of attorney information. When people are informed they are then able to make decisions about their future which impacts on their wellbeing.

If people don’t receive the support they need, what can happen to them?

People can become socially isolated which can impact on their physical and mental health. Worst case scenarios could be that people become impoverished as they may not access the financial assistance that is available to them, which could affect their tenancy. They may become neglected as their personal care needs are not being met.

Which other organisations do you work closely with, either locally in Powys, or in the rest of the UK, to provide support to people?

Mind Cymru, Community Mental Health Team, Ponthafren, GP practices, other health professionals, Occupational Therapists, Social Workers, District Nurses, Speech and Hearing Loss teams, Care Agencies, Abacare, Red Cross, Action for Hearing Loss, RNIB, Powys Association of Voluntary Organisations, Credu Connecting Carers, Powys County Council, Department for Work & Pensions, Environmental Health, Disability Powys, Citizens Advice, Kaleidoscope, Alzheimer’s Society, Parkinson’s UK, Age UK, Stroke Association, Care and Repair... a long list!

Tell us what an “age friendly Wales” looks like to you personally

One in which all people feel valued. Communities provide services dictated by those who reside there. Where there are no barriers to services. Where everyone has someone to have a chat with and spend time with and where all individuals are celebrated and cherished.

What are the main challenges of the role?

Very long waiting times on the telephone to get through to some services. The distances one has to travel; less travelling time would enable me to see more people.

Tell us about some of the most rewarding work you have done at Age Cymru Powys so far

I have enabled a very elderly lady to stay in the care home of her choice. Supported a lady with hearing loss to solve her internet problems, so that she can email her family in South Africa and keep in touch with her grandchildren. Helped someone to understand all the care and accommodation options available to them, as they were given notice on their rented property. They are now living independently within a complex that has someone on the premises 24 hours a day and should they require a greater level of support in time this will be available to them.

When you are not working for Age Cymru Powys, how do you enjoy spending your time?

I enjoy spending my time in my garden and greenhouse and with my two little grand-daughters, and whenever possible I love a trip to the seaside, particularly our beautiful Welsh coast.

Many thanks to Jill for updating us about her new role. If you want to find out more about the Age Cymru Powys service you can contact Jill by emailing: or ring 01686 623707.


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